Monday, February 27, 2006

Hitchhiking and organizing for abolition

Every now and again, when perusing the handful of anti-death penalty blogs that are out there, one stumbles across something that is truly unique.

And so was the case when we noticed this blog entry posted by Alex, a young person who works for the Tennessee Coalition to Abolish State Killing. Seems that Alex, for some reason we aren't even going to speculate over, decided he wanted to hitchhike from Nashville to Mobile, Alabama. Along the way, he envisioned the many similarities between hitchhiking and organizing to abolish the death penalty:

To begin with, in a lot of ways, the goals are similar. In both cases we
are trying to build a relationship of trust with people, either to get them to
share their time and stories with us, or to get them to trust me enough to let
me into their car. And we're doing it for a purpose, a strategic goal (get to
Mobile, abolish the death penalty, etc.)

To read the whole thing -- and this is a fun read, believe us -- go here.

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